International Friends Association e.V.
The Wolfsburg International Friends Association e.V. (IFK) is a local organisation , which brings together people from all over the world to provide intercultural exchange in Wolfsburg. With our services and various events we encourage the dialoque between the 151 nations represented in our international city.
Members and visitors from different backgrounds have the opportunity to attend a range of activities. There are also Networking Events held especially for our younger members and friends. Have a look at the “Young Friends”. Guests are always welcome. Have a look at our event calendar and join us!
The Young Friends – the youth sector of the “Internationaler Freundeskreis” – offer their own events and exchange opportunities for the younger members.
Next Events
Führung durch die Ausstellung “Leandro Erlich – Schwerelos” im Wolfsburger Kunstmuseum
Führung durch die Ausstellung “Leandro Erlich – Schwerelos” im Wolfsburger Kunstmuseum
Informationen folgen.
Ausstellungseröffnung “Unissued Diplomas”
Ausstellungseröffnung “Unissued Diplomas”
Seit beinahe drei Jahren leiden die Menschen in der Ukraine unter dem russischen Angriffskrieg. Die ...
Mexikanischer Kochabend
Mexikanischer Kochabend
Informationen folgen.
Active in Wolfsburg for more than 15 years
IFK in numbers
The Wolfsburg International Friends Association e. V. (IFK) was founded in 2006 by international minded citizens and the City of Wolfsburg. Their goal was to reinforce Wolfsburg’s image and reputation as an open-minded, tolerant and progressive city.
The Association supports the City of Wolfsburg in its efforts to maintain and expand the relation with our sister cities along with other current and future international initiatives. The advancement of activities in the areas of youth work, education and sport is of particular importance.
In addition, the Wolfsburg International Friends Association e. V. organizes lectures and discussion evenings on current international topics, as well as musical and social events.
Being a highly recognized stakeholder in Wolfsburg we work closely with key individuals and global-minded institutions within our community. Their support ensures our ability to offer high-quality events.
Download our flyer here:
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Flyer IFK Polish